Coping with Parental Exhaustion


You are tired. Exhausted. Over it. It's ok, everyone feels burnt out sometimes. Trying to juggle all of the parts of your busy life can be nearly too much to handle some days. So here are some easy ways to recharge your batteries when your busy day has you feeling burnt out and crusty.




Caffeine and a Cat Nap -

Feeling sleepy but so much more day to go? Many studies tout the benefits of drinking a caffeinated beverage then taking a twenty-minute nap. Just make sure that you don't sleep longer than twenty minutes, or you'll run the risk of waking feeling even groggier than before.




Upbeat Music -

The music that you choose to listen to can affect your mood, so crank up your favorite upbeat tunes to feel an instant mood boost. Bonus points for dancing around the living room as you listen.




Exercise, Preferably Outside -

Though exercising may be the last thing you feel like doing when you're burnt out, a bout of intense cardio can be just the thing to take you out of a funk. Exercising outdoors provides the added benefit of exposure to nature, a surefire mood booster.




Count Your Blessings -

Taking time to remember what you're doing this all for is critical, especially in the middle of a crappy day. Don't let dark times make you forget about the goodness in life. Take a minute to step aside, breathe a few deep breaths, and take stock of your blessings.




Spa Night -

Take a relaxing soak in the tub. Light a candle, or dim the lights and diffuse some essential oils. Play soothing instrumentals. Try to unwind and let the water wash your cares away.




Watch a Comedy -

If you're feeling blue, watching a funny movie or show may be just the thing to lift your mood. Throwing in a special snack like some buttery popcorn or a couple of handfuls of candy can make you feel even more treated.




Go to Bed -

Getting a full night's sleep is critical to feeling your best, but if you're anything like the average parent you have probably been shortchanging yourself in the sleep department. Give yourself the night off of any evening duties and head to bed early.




These tips will give you the boost you need to make it through a rough day. Remember, every parent feels exhausted sometimes. You are doing a great job, and hopefully tomorrow will be a sunnier day.

Erin Gunnette