
My name is Jeff Janke and I am the proud father to an amazing 12-year-old girl named River.

I kind of fell into this world of children’s books. I don’t consider myself an author, I’m simply a dad, and just like all parents, I’m eager to be the absolute best. I want to provide the happiest childhood possible, filled with magic and wonder, but I’m faced with decisions that challenge me constantly.

A few years ago, River’s mom called me in a slight panic. River was hearing from other kids that Santa wasn’t real. This presented an instant problem--one I had feared for years. Luckily, River still wanted to believe, so that bought us 12 months to come up with a solution. Out of necessity, I wrote a special book for River. And thanks to encouragement from other parents, I’ve started the author journey and am fumbling my way through publishing Secret Santa Claus Club myself.

Being a single father, I look for every opportunity to spend with my little girl. Together we enjoy playing all sorts of sports and making healthy, homemade treats in the kitchen. A few years ago River started playing in a roller hockey league, and I get to be one of her coaches!

I try to continually follow my dreams and passions—and there’s a lot of them. By day I’m a manager at a mortgage company, at night I’m spending as much time as I can with River, and on the weekends I’m traveling all over the western states as a wedding photographer. In my free time (if there is any) I enjoy playing drums, tossing a football, riding jet skis and writing scripts for fun--I even made a movie!

I’m constantly working on self-improvement, staying healthy and being positive. I do my best to be a strong and consistent role model for other people, especially my River!

The Secret Santa Claus Club


Beautifully Illustrated by Artist Jim Starr, this 35-page hardback book is an invaluable tool to help transition kids who are ready to learn the true meaning of Christmas.

Get your copy below!